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HELP!! What's a good way to get my voice back quickly?

I have a cold and there's stuff in my throat that is keeping me from singing. I really need to be able to sing tonight because it's the opening night of the Christmas concerts that I am in. (And I have 2 tomorrow!) Please help! I've exhausted everything I know to do! These are professional concerts and I really don't want to stick out because I can't control my voice! And I don't want to mouth it because then I might as well not be there.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You've waited a long time to do something about this, but it isn't too late

Stop talking now. Do some light warm-ups before each concert, but avoid all other talking or singing. Continue this "not talking except to do some light warm-ups once a day" thing until your holiday concerts are over.

Drink water all the time. In choir we used to say if you aren't peeing clear every half hour, you're not hydrated well enough. The water doesn't touch your chords, but all the water in your system get's them more moistened in a roundabout way. I also put a little lemon juice in my water bottle. Also drink some warm tea with honey; the heat and honey help your throat as well.

Gargle with salt water twice a day.

Sleep. Let you body rest as well. You'll need those ab/diaphram muscles to keep projecting, and if your voice gets better but you're exhausted, it won't be a good situation.

Get some cough drops with either (or all) vitamin C, echinacea or zinc. If you are hoarse because you are or were sick, these herbs quicken healing time. If you are hoarse from over use of your voice, just get the vitamin C ones (its good for energy and the other stuff in the cough drops will be soothing for your throat). Take these throughout the day, though not within the hour before the show (the medicine on your throat will feel unnatural and awkward while speaking/singing).

Even if tonight you aren't 100%, keeping up with this regimen over the next couple days of concerts you should see continued improvement. Break a leg.