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What is the best way to prepare before an Orchestra Concert?

Tommorow--yes, the 15th of December--I will be performing with my school orchestra. Trouble is, I'm having trouble with two measures. What's the best way to practice?
It's a rather moderate piece, but it has crossing strings and slurs and when I attempt it--it doesn't sound very nice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Practice it slowly at first. If you can't play it perfectly slowly, then you certainly cannot play it perfectly fast.

Try to play it at the same slow tempo 3 times in a row. If you mess up on the 3rd time, start over. No cheating. If you can play it perfectly slowly 3 times in a row, it means it was not a coincidence that you played it perfectly. You have now acquired the skill to play that passage at that tempo.

Start over, but play it a little faster this time. Just a little faster. If you can play that 3 times in a row at that tempo, then move on to a faster tempo. Before you know it, you'll be playing it perfectly!

This is the correct way to practice. Don't be impatient. If you are impatient, it will actually take more time to perfect your passage.