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What song can I sing for my school's talent show?

Our school talent show is coming up in a couple of weeks, and I want to sing in it. Problem is, I have no clue what song to sing. I go to a really strict private school, so it has to be "appropriate." Also, I don't want to sing like an opera song or whatever, but I don't want to sing a really pop-py pop song. Any ideas?

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7 months ago
School talent show coming up. Any good song ideas? I go to a strict private school, so nothing "inappropriate" or "suggestive." But, please, no opera-like stuff, super-pop music, and religious ones [i don't really do religious songs unless i'm in choir]. thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 7 months ago
School talent show coming up. Any good song ideas? I go to a strict private school, so nothing "inappropriate" or "suggestive." But, please, no opera-like stuff, super-pop music, and religious ones [i don't really do religious songs unless i'm in choir]. thank you.