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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What??s a successful way to get a start in the performing arts? Or how do people


What??s a successful way to get a start in the performing arts? Or how do people get started?

I'm not in high school anymore.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I can tell you that there are probably a lot of ways, and a lot of artists will give you different advice. I had finished college, and was reading the Newspaper. I saw an "Audition Notice." I called my sister and she created a "resume" of the things I had done in High School and College, beginning with the most recent roles. Then I had a friend take a black and white picture (we're moving to color now) and blew it into an 8x10 for my headshot. I called the number on the notice, and signed up for a time and prepared my audition according to what they asked for. I got the job and have been working professionally for nearly seventeen years now. After I had a few shows under my belt, I contacted a local casting agent and offered her tickets to my show. She came and saw it, liked what she saw, and signed me up without requiring that I take any acting classes or pay any fee. I am still with that agent (sixteen years) and work film, tv, and voice as well as theatre. (Though theatre is the place I spend most of my time.) That's my story and how it worked. I am not famous. I am happy. It's up to you to decide if you consider that "successful" or not. Break a leg -- and if it's what you want to do, do not give up!