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What is a good song to audition with for a musical?

i am a 14/f/can sing alto to soprano. i am trying out for "the sound of music". i have no clue what to sing. i know that i can sing just about anything, but what would be apropriate? its for prior lake players...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well this is what they are going to be looking at:

1. Can she sing out loud enough that we can hear her?
2. Can she sing in tune?.. and how well in tune?
3. Can you understand the words she is singing? -this is very important.
4. Does she look happy on stage?

-I've judged a lot of auditions, and these are the normal four questions I always ask. Really it doesn't matter what you sing as long as it came from a book. Pop songs, though you may already know them, are always harder to make sound good then traditional folk songs or songs from musicals, so I suggest one of them... but find something you perform well, even if it's amazing grace- because it's not the song they will judge you on, it will be these four questions- think about each question- and aim to make them all positive.