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Do musical scales have color?

Our band was talking about the feelings you get from differetn scales and key signatures. Is it true that scales have colors and emothions? Is it also true that two composers wrote two books about it and disagreed on everything? Do you know where I could find copies of the books (if there are real)? I know most people think minor chords sound kind of eerie, to which I agree. I want information on major scales, but minor scales work , too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is a general consensus that Major scales elicit a more positive, external emotional response, and minor scales elicit a more negative, internal emotional response. Other modes get even more interesting responses.

I think what you're asking is, "Is the emotion inherent in the scale itself, or is it in the listener?" If that's the case, then it's definitely in the listener. I've written happy songs in minor keys, and sad songs in major keys.

Still, a general rule of thumb is to go Major for happy, minor for sad. That's the first gut reaction in a nutshell.