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Why can some people sing, but others cannot?

I'm just wondering because since we all have a voice can't we all learn to sing well? Do you have to be born with a good voice? I can't sing worth a crap!! Neither can my parents -_-.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In my opinion, singing WELL is a talent or a gift from God. Everyone can sing, even if it isn't that great.

A lot of people who can't sing just need a lot of ear training to understand how to hear music, what they are hearing, and how to replicate it.

I am a professional musician (instrumental) who can sing fairly well, but I would never be a professional singer. I'll put it this way, my mom can carry a tune in a bucket, but her bucket has a hole in it. Everyone else: totally tone deaf. Taking that into consideration, I believe that genetics plays only a small role in it.

My advice to you: take voice lessons from a qualified (and patient) teacher who will teach you music theory and ear training as well, and see what happens. You may never sing professionally, but at least you will please yourself!