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Theatre/Drama - Schools - Canada?

What are some of the Colleges/Universities with the better Theatre/Drama programs - in Canada? How large are drama classes normally? If you submit your audition on a tape to the school, is it best to have a plain background? Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, York University has some highly respected professionals and has had some fairly successful graduates - Rachel McAdams (graduate), Keanu Reeves (drop-out and rejected from the acting stream). York chooses about 200 first year students out of something like 7000 applicants. 14 made into second year acting. I was one of the "lucky" 14. Otherwise class sizes vary according to courses and the demand for them.

My experience was harsh. These professionals can teach you real stagecraft skills, they can offer their opinions of your art (they are not the be all and end all,) they can teach you approaches to performance, direction and the business.

But, like smokers who like to see other people be weak and smoke aswell. The teachers only want to help the most sincere *** kissers, people of talent must cope with great jealousy.

It is a self-serve environment I found. Countless times I found myself responding, "If this is what the real world will be like, then why am I paying tens of thousands of dollars?!"

Here is some reality as I see it a decade later.

If you have the love of theatre, get a job with flexibility and mobility (waiter/waitress) in Toronto, see as many shows in as many different (ie. small) theatres as possible, get on the Theatres websites/e-mailing lists, get NOW magazine, get an audition, then another, then another, then another, get a part, then another, then another (MAKE AND TRY STAY FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE!) and be late for work NEVER rehearsal.

Save thousands of dollars by not paying for books and tuition. (but don't spend those dollars on drinks, make yourself healthy and attractive, maintain your transportation and get voice lessons - very few people make it with irritating voices and ways of speaking, you can see this for yourself)

good luck... 70% of actors do not make a living from acting. 2-3% make more than 30G a year. That 70% are mostly waiters and waitresses, so why pay thousands for a very slightly improved chance at the big time.