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What are the benefits of bellydancing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Belly dancing relieves stress and increases flexibility and mobility. It thoroughly but gently works every part of your body. You learn grace and poise, while putting yourself in touch with your feminine side. Bellydancing is both a relaxing and enlivening dance that can help tone the body and improve body confidence. Its physiological benefits include improved fitness, better circulation, suppleness and correction of postural alignment. On a body confidence level, many women feel they have regained their 'feminine self' and become more comfortable with their bodies through bellydancing. Here are some physiological benefits of bellydancing:

*Improved circulation *Improved suppleness *Increased joint flexibility *Deeper breathing, better oxygenation of blood *Relaxing and calming, reduces stress *Possible aerobic exercise workout - burns fat, raises metabolism and improves resting heart rate *Tones all major muscle groups - legs, thighs, calves, gluteals, abdominals, upper arms, back *Reduces cellulite *Eases PMT symptoms *Prepares major muscle groups for pregnant women to assist the birthing process