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CATS question...?

Mr. Eliot's CATS. i went and saw my little sister's production of it recently, and now i have to write a review on it for my theater class. my little sister's class produced it and stared in it. they are from ages 5 to 9. although this was probably the cutest production i have ever seen, i have no idea what it was about... i think it is based off of a book of poems, (correct me if I am wrong) but is there any plot other than that?
i have looked online, googled it, but i cant find anything worth while.
can anyone help me/briefly summarize the plot for me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: CATS is based off of a poem book, yes. Some of the songs are actually the poems put to music. The plot is simple really. Cats have nine lives, as we all know, and during this play, they're trying to find the next cat that will end their life and move on to their next life. During the course of the play, we're introduced to all the main cats, Macavity, the Tugger, Jennyanydots, etc. What we're trying to do is choose which cat deserves to begin a new life. Of course at the end, Grizzabella the Glamour Cat is choosen, and she gets to begin her new life, which is when she's lifted up to the sky.