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Is the play of Godspell more interesting than the movie?

my school is doing Godspell and i watched the movie and it was REALLY boring. i was wondering if anyone saw the play and if you did, is it really boring?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The play is different - and will become what the director and actors put into it. If you see it as a statement of Christianity alone, you are limited. If you see it as a metaphor for the fact that LOVE can change the world, then you give it an entirely different spin. The musical is about building community - which is desperately needed in this post-911 world; and does a pretty good job or outlining some basic human values. The movie is very much a reflection of the 70's, and - at that time - was pretty incredible. But this is the millenium, and so the film will seem completely dated, in fashion, music, etc. Give the play a chance. If you are an actor, see if you can find the core values it suggests AND a way to make these come alive on the stage.