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What song should I use for competition?

I'm in seventh grade and am a soprano. My Voice teacher isn't exactly finding pieces I like (he doesn't exactly have the same personality as me) I'm looking for something meaningful but fun to do. Also, I go to a Christian school so no rock or pop or really anything modern (which already cuts out alot of good songs) an example of the type of song I'm looking for is Over the Rainbow.
Please help me, I only have 2 months until tryouts.

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6 months ago
I'm really serious about the whole strictness of the song selection thing, and it can't be from movies unless its like the sound of music.

6 months ago
To answer Sharon's question its just a regular competition so I guess I'm just competing for a ribbon...and bragging rights.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
I'm really serious about the whole strictness of the song selection thing, and it can't be from movies unless its like the sound of music.