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Personally addressed letters concerning talent/modelling/beauty pageants?

that say that you've been reccommended/referred to by others to participate but do not state the names are phony in this manner? I've gotten letters from John Casablanca's modeling agency, the VA state pageant agency, etc. that say this kind of thing but don't state the names of who recommended me or say it's a personal invitation. A lie or what?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: YES! It's a LIE! I have gotten tricked by these. John Casablanca's is not a modeling agency. It's a school and they have bi-yearly conventions where they fly out "agents" and "managers" to see you perfrom your talent on a stage and they charge you $4,000 to participate. If you are seriously pursuing a career in modeling or acting, you need a REAL, legitamate agent who is SAG affiliated ( which is an actor's union. Never Never Never pay anything upfront! Acting and Modeling agents will NEVER make you take classes or buy/pay for photos, they ONLY get paid when you YOU get paid. Good Luck!