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Why Learn Musical Counterpoint?

I'm a freshman in college who just finished my first quarter. One of the classes I have to take, being a Music Major, is Music Theory. So far, we've managed to go over the rules of 16th century counterpoint, but for the life of me I can't figure out what the importance of it is. I just want to write music, and half the stuff I come up with breaks these stringent rules. So what is their purpose?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A few things.......studying counterpoint can dramatically change your understanding of melody, and aid you in identifying the differences between a good one and a bad one. It gives an understanding (if taught well...) of good melodic motion and balance and how multiple voices relate to one another in a contrapuntal setting. It's tough to compose two good melodies that work well together.

Also, understanding counterpoint as the foundation for music written in later eras makes it easier to follow the compositional advances made by later composers. Knowing how Bach influenced Mozart and Haydn will enable you to see things in the music that you wouldn't otherwise see.