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Do ballerinas have understudies?

If so, is there a special name for them? Thanks. =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yes, it's just called an understudy. at NYCB (company I have performed with) there are often alternate casts if the ballet is being performed multiple times, so someone from another night's cast can step in if necessary. If there is only one cast (or the alternate has another role at the same time) then there should be an understudy, or at least a dancer who did the role a few years ago and still remembers it. Often the older students from SAB (school of American Ballet, I went there) or apprentices may be understudies especially for the really popular repertoire. If there isn't an understudy, the will have to teach someone the part right before the show. In one performance of Circus Polka I was in many years ago, the ringmaster (robert lafosse) was nowhere to be found and there was talk of having Garielle Whittle (the children's ballet mistress)do the part because she had short hair and had rehearsed the ballet! fortunately the right guy showed up with a couple minutes to spare before the curtain. :)