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Ideas For Your Writings, screenwriters?

I'm planning on filming a small film. im in college, with a video camera, editing software...etc.

the only thing missing is the story. how do you create yours? do you base it on the people you have to work with? or do you just create the craziest story and whatever your mind produces?

i'm having a hard time writing. tips?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you are a creative person there is no easy way to answer this my friend. everyone works different.

here are a few things that I have tried. I have the worse memory and ideas pop into my head at the wrong the bathroom , in traffic.

1. Start carrying out a tape recorder or a pad and pen-this will help you jot down things as they come to you

2. get out of your comfort zone and do something you normally don't do, take a hike, gho to a museum, trust inspiration comes from some weird places.

3. Go to your library and read up on the subject Syd Field would be a good place to styart.

4. Go to the bookstore, Borders and Barne and Noble carry "Creative Screenwriting" , "Fade In" and "Script" magazines

5. Watch a ton of movies-to see what works on screen

6. Write what you know, start simple..write about somethn happened to you..possibly a childhood story, your first bike, an incident at a bar. No matter how stupid it may sound just start writing. You have to develop tempo!

7. Listen to your favorite "mood" music, whatever it may be...

I recently got into photography and found that I take better pictures with my ipod on and the right kind of music playing...

Google screenwriting and you will find endless articles...good luck!