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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I love to sing, where can i find a place in salt lake that has like open mic, or


I love to sing, where can i find a place in salt lake that has like open mic, or something like that?

i just want to get into singing in public more, and i don't care if i get paid for it or not. if antone can help me that would be awsome. thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I don't live in Salt Lake so i wouldn't know any BIG places to show your talent. But in Idaho, anyone who wants to do what you're wanting to do, we sing Christmas carols in the park, or sing a song in the talentshow, or something even just steeing up your own little space so people are able to hear you! Make it obvious that you're there, stand out beyond others. Good luck and have fun!