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Singing help My nose is driving me crazy Help?

Im Having some Problems. This is hard to explain Lately when i Sing my nose sounds snuffy but when i stop singing my nose is fine . when I record it sound like im holding my breathe but im not. I look around on the net but i have not found anything

Will someone help me Please

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The above is slightly incorrect. You SHOULD be fogging the mirror if you're singing correctly from the diaphram. Try this: take a breath where you can see your ribs expand (this is a shallow breath) and exhale onto the palm of your hand like you're trying to fog a mirror. It should feel sort of cold to lukewarm. Then take a breath where your stomach expands (this is a deep breath, the correct way to breath for singing and anything else) and exhale on your hand. It should feel warmer. This is correct, and might be a good quick test while in studio to see if you're breathing correctly.

If your sinuses are clogges, I suggest a nasal saline spray called OCEAN. You spray it up your nostril while you inhale (yes, you are effectively snorting saline mist); you should feel it wash through your nasal passages and down your throat (it doesn't matter if you swallow it or spit it out). Do this twice in each nostril in the morning, then twice in each nostril at night.

Good luck.