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The musical is done, now what?

I have finally finished a musical that I have been writing for three years. I am using the music of another artist that inspired me to tell this story. Aside from getting a US copyright for the dialogue and the permission from the artist to use their music. I need to know what else I should do or whom to see. I am from the nyc area and am hoping to know what to do next. What is the process for doing this, how can I really make this happen, what will get my foot in the door. Would a power point presentation be something to add on to musical to sway the labels that own the music, to let them know where this idea came from. Or should I hope the writing it self will be enough to win them over? Any advice is appreciated, thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is tough. I think your largest stumbling block may be getting permission to use the artist's music. You sound as if you're not worried -- but what if someone used your words to tell their story -- and their story had nothing to do with what you were trying to say? I should start over: CONGRATULATIONS! I myself have written a musical and had it produced by a local theater. It is a long journey -- and that first production was only the beginning. Your FIRST step is to get permission, and, uh... if you don't get it -- you said you worked three years on this (I took two, I understand) it sounds like you know the story well enough -- could you write your own lyrics and look for a composer? And if you've already written your own lyrics, then all you have to do is find a composer. No power point needed: Put the script in three different composer's hands and see who seems the most enthusiastic. Then, be prepared: you work as a team. (But you'd have to split it with the original artist anyway, so...) I am wishing you so much luck -- I know that if you get the music thing settled, you won't have any problem getting the musical workshopped and produced at a NYC theatre -- New Musicals are all the rage! Remember that at this point you have to put away some ego and roll up your sleeves for a whole new step in the game. I believe in you -- keep going.