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Singing: How do you reduce vocal swelling/edema with a cold virus?

I am coming down with a cold two days before I have to sing at a wedding. I am a trained opera singer, so pls understand that I am not 'losing voice' due to any bad techniques. But I need help on how to reduce edema to the vocal folds without risking vocal hemmorhage when I sing.

I have mild laryngitis -- I can technically sing, but my head resonance has gone to crap and my control is lessened due to swelling of the cords. Range is down by a whole step, as I have to start covering on F#4 instead of G#4, and I can't seem to hold the breath very well, presumably because my cords are swollen and can't close all the way.

This is due to a virus:
My mom came down with something very similar on Christmas (of course), but I did not know about it until after I had been around her for a while. She lost her speaking voice a couple of days later, and is still recovering. I have no allergies or respiratory disorders.

Anyone have ideas on how I can heal by Saturday? Or at least sing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: See an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor right now.

Vitamin C speeds healing time, and Ibprofen is an anti-inflammatory, so both might help reduce swelling. I also suck on cough drops with vitamin C, zinc, and echinacea when I'm sick.

Break a leg.