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Who likes opera?

I have been told that I have a fantastic opera voice by many people, I have been in two professional operas, but in performing careers it is only fulfilling if people actually enjoy what you are doing... so who actually likes opera?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think it takes some musical appreciation in order to get acquainted to Opera. It also take some sensitivity. Opera was the greatest art manifestation of the IX Century, you had the script, the clothing, the music, the singing, etc.
Opera is great if you look at as a whole. It takes many voices, each one expresses a different emotion and stage (tenors, baritones, basses, sopranos, contraltos), rich musical arrangements and a superb story-writing (sketch included).
My favorite ones are WAGNER & PUCCINI.
Then VERDI, BIZET & the rest come close.
At the end of the day, if thatⴳ your heartⴳ desire, pursue it!