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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I audition for a part in the X-MEN 4 series?


How do I audition for a part in the X-MEN 4 series?

I am a teen/young adult actor..I am interested in auditioning for the X-MEN 4 or similar movies/series..but I dont know how...I am also interested in contacting its directors and its producers.....but I dont know how...Can anyone help? I'm serious about please respond only if you are serious. THANKS!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What you really need to do is get an agent. Send some your headshots and resumes and be agressive - try to get seen by some, and maybe one will pick you up. Then ask them about contacting the casting directors for that movie. For a big studio feature production, you have a miniscule chance of getting cast without an agent's help. Good luck!