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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can i clear my sinus so i can sing again?


How can i clear my sinus so i can sing again?

okay i am a singer and plan on being the next biggest recording artist...and probably known as the "male mariah" since my vocal range and go extremely high...if you heard her song "emotions" then thats how my high notes i sing in upper reggister...but i have bad sinus and nose is always feeling blocked up and dry..and sometimes i cant breathe through both nostrils....and it has be effecting my singing...wen i sing now my voice cant open up as much and i crack alot....can soemone help me learn how to clear my sinus so i can sing again please..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: every couple of hours drink hot/warm milk& honey(one spoon in milk)!!! believe me it woks.