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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can you improve that sond of your voice?


How can you improve that sond of your voice?

Generally, having a more pleasing sounding voice.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Keeping your house/apartment humidified, no smoking, and sinus hygiene, that is, keeping your sinus' and Eustachian tubes clean and opened. One way to do that is steaming your head while under a heavy towel tented over a sink full of steamy hot water for ten minutes every night before bedtime. And, try Debrox ear removal drops and/or warmed olive oil drop-soaks in your ears often followed by safe (not overly powerful), extra warm flushing of the shower head flow into each ear. No chocolate, which increase a mucus in your throat that fungus love. Then, stretching exercises that lift your diaphragm, such as side bends. Every hour on the hour DEEP breath, hold X the count of four and exhale quickly all X 10. Every hour while awake.