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How do you play quitar with big boobs?

I have a couple of friends triing to learn to play but both are having the same troubles with thier breasts interferring with thier ablility to use the fret board, they're arms are too short. I've heard of small body acoustic quitars, whould these help. Any other idea's?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I feel for them! I had the same problem when learning guitar for my music ed degree. Mine are 38K, so there was not much gettting around them, but I can tell you what helped.

-Don't hold the guitar on the thigh. Instead, hold it like you would in the classical guitar style. This will help them get their right hand all over the frets better. In rock, etc. styles you hold the guitar basically horizontal, but in classical guitar you rotate the neck up and the bottom down between your legs a little. I know this is difficult to imagine, so here's the link to a picture of what I mean: Look at how Andres Segovia holds the guitar.

-Keep the guitar close into the body. Don't let the left arm extent forward pushing it away from the body.

-When they have to play close in on the frets (as in the high notes), slide the guitar to the left a little so that both hands can reach easily.

Hope this helps!