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How can I train my voice to develope a pure, beautiful, tone?

How should I practice in order to have a beautiful tone of voice when I sing?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Be sure to drink a lot of water, because your vocal chords need plenty of hydration so they stay loos and air and sound flow out more easily. Also, make sure you are breathing from your diaphram, it should feel like it's coming from your belly. While practicing, you can lightly touch the sides of your nose. If you feel it vibrating, you may have too nasal a sound (that also comes from shallow breathing, btw).

These are all tricks I learned when I took choir in 7th grade, and I swear it was the first time ever that I could sing. Also, when I was younger, I had a high-pitched voice i wasn't aware of until I heard it on tape. After that, I practiced pitching my tone of voice lower and by the end of the school year I went from a chipmunk to actually sounding like a normal human being. The way we hear ourselves is different from how everyone else does, so taping your voice is good if you are working on your tone.