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Is John Robert Powers and Barbizon a scam?

Cause some say they are, but are they?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Absolutely! Stay away! When I was a teenager, I was "picked up" by John Robert Powers. $2000 later, I (or I should say my parents) had nothing to show for it except some "walking" lessons, some OK pictures, and some experience in overcrowded acting classes. Terrible.

Like everyone else has mentioned, legitimate agencies will NEVER charge an upfront fee, only a percentage of whatever you make off a job they help you book. Be careful of what "agencies" promise you and always do research before signing anything for anybody. Unfortunately there are alot of people out there who make livings off of preying on innocent people who aren't educated in the industry. Just be careful and if something doesn't sound right to you, you are probably right. Trust your gut.

Good luck!