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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Which school has the best performing arts and dance program (colleges)?


Which school has the best performing arts and dance program (colleges)?

I am really into the arts and stuff, and i just want to know if u know any good acting/singing/dancing/ theartre colleges

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are many good schools out there for theater/dance/musical theater. I am certainly no expert on the subject, but if you are looking for an expert opinion, I would recommend checking out either The Princeton Review "Best 361 Schools" or U.S. News & World Report "America's Best Colleges," both of which are updated annually. They aren't cheap (about $20 or so), but are very helpful. They will list the top programs in pretty much any field you could ever want to enter into, including the arts, as well as a bunch of other fun information about the schools (price, location, demographics, competitiveness, etc etc).
Now, for my non-expert opinion... Julliard is certainly probably the most "prestigious" school for the arts in the country, but prestige is not everything. It is certainly a great school, but not for everyone. NYU, FSU, CalState Long Beach, University of Arizona (my school, ranked #5), Butler, University of the Arts, SUNY Purchase, Oklahoma City University... all have good dance programs. Just depends on what kind of dance you may wish to focus on, and what kind of "college experience" you wish to have. Sorry I can't comment on the theater stuff. UofA has a great musical theater department, though :)
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