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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Programs for singer(s) around the age of 13, in Las Vegas?


Programs for singer(s) around the age of 13, in Las Vegas?

I am 13 yrs old, and hoping to make a career out of singing.

I'm already in All-state honor choir, my schools choir, and church choir.
I tried Showbiz Kids, but I didnt really like it that much, so i quit.

Does anybody know of a place, and/or program for young singers, that you recommend that i join??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i live in the uk, but your best bet is to look through the phone directories or do a google or yahoo search, or try to find a arts college that run a programme for young people. good luck its hard work hunny, im in the music business myself and it took me 15 years to get here