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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Best way to work on your vocals when you don't have time to warm up, or cannot b


Best way to work on your vocals when you don't have time to warm up, or cannot be loud (because of neighbors)?

Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you live in an apartment, this might not be feasible, but if you are a student living in a dorm, most music departments have soundproof practice rooms for music majors to practice in. Even if you're not in school, you might be able to e-mail a local university music department and ask if you can use their practice rooms as a guest.

And you must make time to warm-up. You can do serious damage to your vocal chords. No athlete would just go out to train or practice without warming up; they could tear a muscle and be out of the game for a long time!

Also, to see real improvment, and if you are wanting to eventually go pro or semi-pro, you MUST MUST MUST get a voice teacher. It's expensive, yes, but your voice will progress more quickly and you will form good singing habits that will serve you throughout your singing career. While calling the university about the practice rooms, ask about voice teachers on campus.

Good luck.