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Piano Help?

Hey how do I remember where which keys are where? I already play the clarinet and have been doing so for about 2 and a half years so I know how all the notes and tones and flats+Sharps work but how do I remember where the keys are that signify certain notes. I have some really cool clarinet solos and I want to play them on the piano. Any help?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a piano teacher... hopefully I can help!

The black key groups really are the key here (sorry... bad pun!). This is how I teach the location of the white keys:

In front of each group of 2 black keys live the notes CDE (D being the middle white key between a group of two black keys)

In front of each group of 3 black keys live the notes GFAB, with G being on the left hand (lower) side, and B being on the right hand side (higher).

Try playing all the CDE groups going up and then down the piano, one key at a time, then do it with your eyes closed. Do the same with the FGAB groups.

Keep in mind, however, that the clarinet is not a "C Instrument" like the flute, oboe or violin. It is a transposed instrument, meaning that the notes written in a clarinet score would need to be transposed in order to sound the same if played on the piano. The way you transpose depends on what type of clarinet you have. Most standard clarinets are B-flat. A D written on a clarinet score is equivalent to a C on a piano score.

Basically, if you want to play clarinet music on the piano, and have it sound the same pitch, you'd have to transpose the clarinet music down a whole tone.