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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I tend to think of my violin as my life but my family doesnt.?


I tend to think of my violin as my life but my family doesnt.?

I try to spend as much time as i can with my violin and learning the music. But My familys trys to make it not work because they think i spend to much time with it.That i need a new life.

Should i tell them to bug off and let me follow my own future or go along with what they are saying and stop

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6 months ago
But my family thinks that evberyone needs to be the same..
My family is divorced that is y i try to spend as much time as i can with music but they try to make me like my other siblings."smart college grads."*barf*
I want to go into to something i like but those things i call parents wont let me because they say it wouldent be right

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
But my family thinks that evberyone needs to be the same..
My family is divorced that is y i try to spend as much time as i can with music but they try to make me like my other siblings."smart college grads."*barf*
I want to go into to something i like but those things i call parents wont let me because they say it wouldent be right