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How do I become a better singer?

I've been singing for a while now and I've developed a decent voice. But when I listen to recordings, there are still some vocal qualities I can't seem to control.

My ability to stay on pitch is good but not perfect. There are times when moving between the notes that I am momentarily off pitch. I always find the pitch after I get to the note. There are lots of breaks in my voice that I don't know how to control or to minimalize their effect.

Also, there are times that I have trouble deciding whether to make my voice breathy or dry. When I get up to my highest range, I lose the ability to have a breathy voice and must start shouting to keep from crossing over into falsetto. My falsetto is fine and usually very accurate.

To hear a recording of myself singing a song I wrote, you can visit this website:

Additional Details

6 months ago
My favorite vocalists are Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Jeff Buckley, Thom Yorke, Chris Martin, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Ben Gibbard, Matt Bellamy and Fran Healy.

I wish to achieve a sound like those artists.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
My favorite vocalists are Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison, Jeff Buckley, Thom Yorke, Chris Martin, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan, Ben Gibbard, Matt Bellamy and Fran Healy.

I wish to achieve a sound like those artists.