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What do you remember learning in your first music lesson

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you're looking for things to teach a beginner, start with staffs, cleffs and notes. Make sure to get time signatures firmly embeded, then start on note values. Dynamic levels are good to teach at first, too. Have the student play a note soft (piano), then loud (forte) then a very soft and very loud, (pianissimo and fortissimo) and then medium soft and loud (mezzo piano and forte). Make sure they understand the scale and the octave. Teach about chromatism and the chromatic scale after the major scale. A few lessons later you should work on a minor scale. Start scales with C Major, A Minor and the Chromatic scale. Do rhythms by having them hit one note four times equally, then eight times twice as fast, then any combination of those once they get that down. Make sure then understand that, even though the letters run from A to G, the middle and basest note is a C. I think the first thing I was taught was how to locate the middle C, right under the logo. A few lessons in, introduce the accidentals, flats and sharps.