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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I am new to symphonies, but enjoy them. What would be a good event to attend th


I am new to symphonies, but enjoy them. What would be a good event to attend this year in Atlanta 4 a newbie?

Please see their calendar of events located at to suggest a good night for me. I don't know any of these so I am having a hard time choosing 1 for this season. It doesn't need to be this month - it can be anything they have scheduled this year - from Feb. - forward.

I realize that it is really "to each his own" when it comes to music and art.... however, their are some musicians and styles that are universal - I am looking for something like that to go listen to.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Best Wishes, Genie

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Let's see it all depends on what you like:

More atmospheric music Ravel, Sheherezade concert on 1/18,1/20, 1/21. "Le Tombeau" is very pretty, Ravel piano concerto is a showy piece with lots of fireworks, Shaherezade is all around as beautiful as it is exciting.

Lighthearted Romantic music: Mendelsohn is a must see on 2/1, 2/2, 2/3. He is not as heavy as Brahms and has very nice melodic content.

If you just want to be entertained I suggest James Galway (English flutist) on 2/10, 2/11 .Pops concerts are always fun and very accessible and involving

If you want to be dazzled and are more into serious music then Stravinsky/Mozart is for you on 4/12, 4/13, 4/14 Rite of Spring is my personal favorite and Dumbarton oaks is a fanatastic piece that is fun to listen to and Mozart's 17th piano concerto is light and entertaining. This concert in my opinion has the best programing.