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How do I learn to sing like Whitney Houston?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: whitney housten is amoung the most talented of female singers. while it is not impossible to learn to sing similarly to her, the ability to sing is a gift that some people have, and others don't.
if you do build up the same strength and vocal control as whitney housten, there is no guarantee that you will sound just like her - your voice may be better suited to another style, such as jazz or musical theatre. but don't give up hope - with time you will develop a sound and style of your own.
if you are looking to improve your voice's ability to belt out those huge notes like whitney, the key is time, patience, and practice.
the first thing you should do is get a good singing teacher. even though there are many programs available on the net that claim to be able to teach you to sing like a pro, i assure you that without one on one guidance with a professional, you won't get anywhere.
the best advice i can give is to do strength and flexibility excercises with your singing teacher. when you sing, make sure you do not put any strain on your vocal chords - the work should come from your diaphragm. i do not want to give you any specific excercises, as i do not know your voice, or your strengths and weakneses.
look in your local paper, or if you are at school ask your music teachers for the details of a teacher who specialises in popular/ contemporary music.