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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How to improve my horrible singing within a week? I was ordered to perform at sc


How to improve my horrible singing within a week? I was ordered to perform at school.?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's hard to tell what kind of help you need without hearing you, but your best bet is to try to find someone knowledgeable to listen to you. Since this is for school, your school's music teacher, if you have one, would be the logical place to start. If you don't have access to someone with professional credentials, then just choose someone you trust (preferably someone with a good ear for music) to listen to you. Sing the piece for them several times and ask for their honest feedback about where you're off-pitch, where your voice is weak, etc. You can improve your pitch by drilling the notes with the aid of a piano, and you can improve tonality and strength through proper breath support (carefully plan when you will breathe during the song, and make sure you pause long enough at those spots to take a really good deep breath. Hint: if your chest goes up, you're not breathing deeply!).

Mostly, just try to relax and have fun. Good luck!