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Do you like to sing?

What Famous Artist would you say your voice sounds most like? What kind of genres do you like to sing to?
Do you consider yourself to be a good singer?
Lots of questions I know... :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I adore singing ^_^ it's my favorite activity, you'll actually almost never catch me not singing or at the very least humming (the exceptions being when I'm asleep or playing the trumpet, flute or piano... or if someone else is preforming...). Hmmm.... People say I don't really sound like anyone, they usually say they've never heard a voice quite like mine...(they aren't insulting me... my mother tape records everything and I go over the performances after wards...). I usually prefer to sing classical music, but I also enjoy singing songs form musicals! I consider myself a good singer for classical music... just don't ask me to sing contemporary music... unless you want a snowstorm that is... ^_^