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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Need some song and aria titles, please?


Need some song and aria titles, please?

There are some talent shows coming up soon at my school, I am 16 years old, I have asked my vocal teacher if she couls tell me what voice type I have, but she said she isn't sure, because I could go either way at the moment because, I have the high notes(I can sing Think of me from the phantom of the Opera including the cadenza at the very end going up to the B flat easily) but my voice has a darker timber. I am looking for a classical song, possibly an aria, or a song that can be sung by a classical singer from a musical. However, I would request that the piece not be 'Think of me' by Andrew Loyd Webber as I have already preformed that piece earlier this year. It recieved a good reception from my peers, it was something different and it has actually caused some of them to express an inerest in classical music. I am also looking for for a bass and soprano/mezzo-soprano duet, preferably something classical but that sounds contemporary, an example would be the songs by Il Divo. Thank-you

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6 months ago
The please suggest contemporary pieces a classical singer may sing with a contemprorary bass singer for the duets. For the solo pieces please suggest musical theater or songs from Operas.

6 months ago
My apologies, I should have been more clear. What I meant was that the song 'Think of me' sounds like it was written to try and mimic an aria from an Opera. I do know that Araias are from Operas and not from musicals.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
The please suggest contemporary pieces a classical singer may sing with a contemprorary bass singer for the duets. For the solo pieces please suggest musical theater or songs from Operas.