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Position:Home>Performing Arts> For voice coaches: Is it possible to improve your vibrato?


For voice coaches: Is it possible to improve your vibrato?

I've heard that if the vibrato is too ...quick? then there are exercises to improve it. Is this true? What are those exercises?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are really two things that can make your vibrato faster or slower than your true natural vibrational frequency (which is set by your brain, btw, and governs more than just your voice). These two things are breath support and tension, and actually, just tension. Your other answer about breath support is exactly right; that is the first avenue you need to explore. If this does not clear up the problem (and if you are an intelligent, serious, and neurotic voice student, like many are), you probably have excess tension from other sources. Some of this can be cleared up with proper posture. The Alexander Technique is the popular route these days for helping with that, but any of the old adages about "hanging your head with a string," dropping your shoulder blades, and not slumping also help. Also, if you're anything like me, you probably have excess tongue tension. This will pull your voice box out of whack, too, so a gentle touch of the thumb underneath your chin can help remind your tongue to relax a bit while singing. Not chewing your words or overdoing your diction can help. (Don't be a mush-mouth, though! LOL)

Good luck!