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2 Performing Arts Questions!?

Ok first first.
There's a school MUSICAL coming up, and I love acting- and I can act! I'm best in my drama class.... I'd love to have a main part but all the main parts have to sing and suprise, suprise I can't sing! So what can I do? Will I just have to be in the chorus along with all the kids below me? Help!

And number two
I draw butterflies, portraits and some fantasy pictures. I do them in coloring pencils, black and white and watercolors. How can I make prints of these? Do I have to pay or send them off or what? Because a lot of people want copies but I don't want to give the originals away!

Thanks so much, it's great to know people out there might actually HELP you! No nasty stuff please!

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6 months ago
The musical is bugsy malone or summit like that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 6 months ago
The musical is bugsy malone or summit like that.