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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is a good opera song for a girl with a medium high voice to sing, and where


What is a good opera song for a girl with a medium high voice to sing, and where can i get the words for it???

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Without knowing your exact range, it's difficult to suggest specific songs. You should find a vocal instructor who is willing to test your range so you know if you're a Soprano 1, Soprano 2, Mezzo Soprano, or Alto 1/2. It really makes a difference, and it will help you to know your part specifically.

Without that information, the best I can offer is the recommendation that you use contemporary Broadway pieces, especially from Phantom of the Opera or Beauty and the Beast. Phantom has a great aria part in the song "Think of Me", and Belle sings a wonderful ballad-type tune called "Home" in Beauty and the Beast. Both are relatively well-known and neither is very difficult, so you should not have a problem finding the tracks to listen to or learning them. You can find the lyrics at almost any lyric site, but I found them on under P for "Phantom of the Opera" and B for "Beauty and the Beast."

Hope I helped, and good luck with your search.