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How do you get over writers block and stage fright?

I have a story i am working on and I can't finish it because i have writers block. I also have a concert coming up and I have to sing! yikes! how do you get over them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Whenever I have writers block, I find sometimes leaving the computer and taking a short walk helps. I may also lie down in bed because generally as soon as I do, I think of something. A suggestion to help as a writer would be to keep a dream journal or something where you write down your first thoughts.
In terms of stage fright, common thing people say is think of people in their underwear. Yet think about this. You have been practicing for weeks. You know the music inside out. You are ready and you will be fine. I get scared whenever I go on stage but as soon as I sing the first note, it all goes away and I'm carried by the music. You can also pick out a spot in theater and just look there. That way you don't worry about who's looking at you. Good luck with both.