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What does everyone think? Opinions please.?

Hello! Help much appreciated. It's about time for me to decide on a career- I love musical theatre and art. But the competition is unbelievable, and I get discouraged when people don't encourage me. To sing has been my dream since I was a kid, and I have loved art forever, but not with the fervency that I love the theatre, though some could argue that I'm better at art (though that may be because there is less obvious competition). Pursue my dreams with high chances of failure, or go a safer route.... I know this is kind of a serious question to ask strangers, but I just need general opinions. I'm stuck! Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I almost feel the same way, because I love writing and know I might not get far in it, and also excel in more practical subjects like science. When the time comes to choose a career, I'll have to choose between what I love and a bigger paycheck. Same goes for you.

Try a pros/cons list. I know, it sounds cheesy, but sometimes weighing out two issues and comparing them can help with a tough decision.

Also, remember that both these careers are things you love to do, and to never get discouraged or "sell out" to get extra money. If you love them both, why not try to give them equal attention but choose one as your career?