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When you strum a guitar, do you..?

Strum all of the strings? String one certain string? Or does it vary depending on what note you are playing?

& do you "strum" for everynote that's played?

I'm just learning (haven't started yet actually), so if anyone can fill me in on the who's and how's that would be great. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are two main types of playing- strumming and picking, strumming means that you play all the strings (or most of them) at once with a broad stroke- picking means that you pluck each individual string- both can be fast or slow. When you play a solo (one note at a time) you pick it.
So a guitarist should learn how to strum and pick- both are very important.
As a starter, just strum up and down on the guitar strings, and strum slowly, trying to make each string sound. A hard part of begining guitar is making sound come from each string and not letting your fingers mute them... you'll see.