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Musical Scales (C,D, E, G, A Scales For now)?

I'm little confused I just started practicing my scales again because I felt I was out of touch, and felt that I had to practice my scales more as I recalled the (C, D, E, G, A ) scale(s) fingering went like this, as i remembered RH 123123454321321 LH 543213212312345 but I went to check online and in a couple of sites the left hand was a little bit different as pianist know fingering is very important on the sites I've visited the left hand went something like this 54321321231234(1)<<<that is the different fingering, which only makes sense if your doing two octave scale intervals but according to those site they didn't specify two octave so which is correct because I am at a lost I feel like im not sure if i knew my scale in the first place

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The only real difference in these alternatives, so far as I can see, is whether you conclude your one-octave scale with your left hand on your little finger or your thumb. To me, it is very odd and rather awkward to conclude on thumb, so you are probably right that the website is contemplating a possible continuation basswards - hence the '(1)' being in parentheses. Ultimately, I would advise you to use which fingers (a) make you more comfortable and (b) produce the better results.