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Childrens drama?

My sis is startin teachin drama in schools to kids..
Any ideas for good exercises that include the whole group..approx 20-30 kids..all different age groups so all games welcome.
Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A really good ice-breaker to get them talking in the first place, is where you get them to stand in a circle. The first child turns to the child on his/her left and says "hello..." followed by the name of the child standing on his/her right (therefore deliberately calling the other child by the wrong name). They find this really funny!

There is also the one where you put chairs all in a line (one per child). The children stand on the chairs (you'll need to talk about health and safety first!) and they have to work together to move along the chairs so that they get themselves in alphabetical order.

You can also get them to work with a partner, and you say two body parts e.g. elbow to knee, and they have to work with their partner to do this.

Hope this helps!