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Should I resign from work earlier to prepare for an audition?

I plan on trying out for a Music College this coming March. However, it has been almost a month since I lost my voice due to vocal overuse. I saw an ENT three weeks ago, and he gave me antibiotics and anti-histamines. The medicines helped, however, I'm still experiencing pitch breaks in my voice. I can't sing notes from high C onwards! I'm working as a part-time barista, and I plan on resigning on March, but I'm starting to worry if I need to resign earlier so as to rest my voice. I don't want to have any permanent damage on my voice as singing really makes me happy...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If it will give you the voice-rest you need, by all means resign as barista and take another job: Pizza waitress, Retail stocker, Grocery checker, whatever will work. BUT...ask yourself this: If you rest your voice now, and you make the grade at your audition, what will happen when the you begin the curriculum you want at College? Will the stress of too much singing have the same effect as you are experiencing now?
You've seen an EMT, and that's a good start. Now see a vocal coach and see whether you are prone to such problems in the future and how to avoid them.