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How to Start a Band?

Yes, I have a band, we are The Broken Wings (you can Google us)
We are still needing a singer, but we have a drummer guitarist (me) and a trustworthy manager. We are not quite ready to launch but we will be soon. Are our ideas good? Here they are:
We will get a permit from the mayor to play in the park some time in the summer for free, just so we can get heard of. Then we will ask around to play in restaurants and cafes. I think this is a good plan. Do you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It sounds good, though I am not sure you will get a permit if people haven't heard of you.

Fliers are a band's best friend. Put them up in schools (if you are lucky enough to be near a college, put them there.) If you are not too far from a city, put fliers up there.

Many bands get a myspace account. Get one of those and search for people within 30 miles of where you live and try to friend them. If you know any good technology people, put clips and samples of your band's music on your page.

Make CDs and sell them at cost at your shows. If someone is listening to it, his/her friends might become exposed to your music as well.

Though I suppose you should first put of fliers looking for a singer and a basist. Say what kind of music you are in to and put your phone number on it.

Good Luck