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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Piano help, please? Speeding up left-hand chord readin...?


Piano help, please? Speeding up left-hand chord readin...?

If any teachers, amateurs, or pros have any boosters for left-hand chords...
I read g-clef due to choir and violin. I picked up pressure-sensitive keyboard, simple two-hand songs, in college, but have lost it again...
hoping to be able to play by c-clef, by notations such as Roman numerals, and the notations such as c7, cm7, cm7b5...
Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Yea, you can do exercises where you play all the inversions of a C chord up the scale then down the scale, then do the same with all the major chords, then the minors, then the 7ths- which is much harder.. and after a while you will feel more comfortable with the different voices of each chord. You don't want to play everything in root position, you want to alway change from one inverson to the next to keep voicings as close together.